How to find good reviews? Aug 3rd, 2020 [viewed 25 times] |
I recently purchased a new camera, as I was playing around with it, snapping pictures here and there, I snapped this picture of our dog Chester. As I looked at the picture, my first thought was ” Wow, I captured his personality perfectly”. You see, others looking at this picture wouldn’t necessarily be able see what I see, because they don’t know him the way I do. They wouldn’t know that he loves to eat plastic, and lay on our bed. But in this time you need to write your homework, so if you can't do it ask about help at essay services that are used to help students with their educational problems! He howls when he’s scared and will always invite all fifty pounds of himself to sit on our laps. They wouldn’t know that he crys when we leave and loves to steal his sisters toys. If you don’t watch him he will eat your food, dig through your garbage and chase the neighborhood cat. Yet, when I see him, I see his unconditional love for us, because although he’s a dog I believe he knows where he came from and who rescued him… We call him our “clearance puppy” because after 30 days at the local animal shelter no one wanted him and they dropped his adoption fee to a whopping $15. He was a shy, timid, scared little soul. After much thought one Saturday afternoon, we adopted him on a wish and a prayer that with a little love and a good meal, we could break through that timid shell and there would be a dog inside that would love warm hugs and a good juicy bone. Secretly, I wanted a dog that would unconditionally love us back, that would cry when we left and wait by the fence for us when we got home. That wanted to cuddle and play and just be with us. A dog that would protect and stand guard against the biggest and little-lest of threats. There are some that feel like Chester did those days at the shelter. They feel alone, unwanted and unworthy of love. They are waiting for someone or something to love them and want them and make them feel worthy. |